Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dairy products can help slimming cure

Dairy products can help slimming cure

In the new year I will be healthier , start running , drop me ..... New Year's Resolutions is enough , and many of them are on one way or the other about weight . Therefore, it is quite convenient that a team of researchers from the Institute of Human Nutrition has discovered that ordinary dairy products can help cure on the way.
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It is not enough to drink an extra glass of milk for food or supplement breakfast with a bowl of yogurt. But a group of researchers from the Institute of Human Nutrition at the University of Copenhagen has a number of studies have discovered that if you combine low-fat dairy products with a healthy diet, dairy products help you to excrete more fat. In fact, up to a few pounds extra a year.

The technical explanation is that kalciummet in milk products bind fat in the intestine , so it is excreted in the stool instead of being absorbed.

" The irony is, of course , that there are many who associated with dieting eliminates dairy products, but as long as it is low-fat dairy products , then they apparently have a beneficial effect ," explains Janne Kunchel Lorenzen, who is a PhD student at the Institute and one of the masterminds behind the study .

Are you not much for milk products but still want to enjoy the slimming effect , there seems not to be an easy path over the fence . The study showed that it is not enough to replace the milk or other dairy products with calcium as supplements - for example, in pill form. Why do scientists do not yet explains Janne Kunchel Lorenzen :

"There is nothing to suggest that there is a positive correlation between milk products and the consumption of them at mealtimes . But we started to investigate. "

Meanwhile, the milk happy consumers who keeps an eye on the slim line, rejoice. Arla has just posted a new type of milk in the street, which will act as a low-fat alternative to low-fat milk . Harmonie Mille milk is the new type of milk , with 0.9 percent fat is close to the mini milk but would like to taste more robust as a semi .

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